If you’re a new Highfield-approved centre, you may have seen the term ‘IQA’ a fair amount but perhaps you’re wondering what it means?
IQA stands for internal quality assurance.
The IQA officer’s job is to confirm that the tutor or assessor has delivered the qualification correctly and that evidence within a learner’s portfolio and your centre’s audit trail is present, to demonstrate the learner has suitably met the assessment criteria of the qualification.
The IQA officer must be competent in the process of quality assurance, and they will need to hold qualifications relevant to the qualification assessment strategy they are internally quality assuring. This will be outlined in our Qualification Specifications.
In some cases, the IQA officer will need to have an internal verifier qualification. In other cases, they just need to be a second tutor who was not involved with the tutoring of the course. An IQA officer is normally responsible for establishing a quality assurance strategy, which determines the risk rating of their individual assessors and plans for internal quality assurance activity to take place based upon this. For more information on internal quality assurance strategies and IQA sampling plans, please refer to the additional support documentation that is located within our download area or speak with your customer support officer or centre manager.