The key to being awarded either of these statuses is simple – your centre must demonstrate satisfactory IQA and administration procedures across samples of learner work.
We’ve outlined the main criteria that our EQS officers and quality assurance auditors look for from our centres below.
- Does your centre have robust administrative procedures in place? This includes correct registration and claiming of learner certificates, timely registration of learners, and correct rules of combination/units being selected.
- Portfolios of evidence show appropriate chosen assessment methods, that learners have met criteria, and any specific requirements set out within the specification and associated assessment strategies. Portfolios show evidence that is valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient (VARCS). The evidence supplied is easy to follow and locate within the portfolio, for example, a tracking sheet and appropriate naming conventions have been used for work or folders sent electronically. Have a read of ‘What should a portfolio of evidence contain?' for further details.
- Are your staff, who are involved in the delivery, assessment and internal quality assurance of the qualification, appropriately qualified, competent and knowledgeable? They must keep within the criteria set out in the qualification specification, and also show participation in continual professional development (CPD) activities.
- Is internal quality assurance at your centre appropriate? Sampling strategies and sampling plans have been created and are followed to ensure that assessors are supported, and assessment decisions are safe and standardised across the team.
- Evidence of standardisation activities and that these have taken place for specific qualifications within the last 12 months. Take a look at ‘What is standardisation?’ for further information on this.
- Assessors support learners appropriately by providing positive and developmental feedback throughout the duration of the qualification.
- Internal quality assurance reports are available and show robust IQA practice with positive and developmental feedback to the assessor. Any actions set by the IQA are completed.
Depending on the qualification, other specific criteria may apply. However, you will be notified of these upon approval for the qualification and contact by our EQS team. Look out for an email from our EQS co-ordinators asking for learner work to be made available for remote or face-to-face review. You should also receive a reminder of what we need from you to perform a review, leading to an award of DCS or CMA.
Please note: DCS or CMA will only be held by a centre who continues to meet the award criteria. Ongoing sampling will take place to verify this, therefore, you’ll need to hold onto any assessment paperwork. If your centre hasn’t claimed any learners within a 12-month period, DCS or CMA will be removed from you.